About Us

Rhapsody Events evolved from our core business of nearly 20 years – performance tours. We have worked with bands, choirs, and orchestras, creating tours to destinations all over the US and Europe. Over time, we have grown our business to include specialty groups. We have brought wine lovers to Italy, foodies to Chicago, Elvis fans to Memphis, history buffs to Ireland, snowmobile clubs on Alaska cruises…If there is a common interest, we can create an experience to share.

With the onset of covid, we realized there was a way to switch gears and create events that were local and kept covid-safety measures at the heart. We want to continue to bring people together to share in what they love.

The St. Croix Valley Summer Music Series is one such event. We have invited favorite bands from all over the state to descend upon our events and bring back the live music so many of us have missed this year. The setting is a Minnesota favorite – Stillwater. The adventure includes amazing music, good food, and an evening cruise on the St. Croix River.

And there will be more. So, stay tuned as we listen to what people are looking for and create adventures and experiences that feel safe for the times.

Patricia Porter

Owner and Creative Chief

Born and raised in the Chisago Lakes area, I got my love of music in high school and my passion for travel as an exchange student in Sweden. I have been fortunate to work with hundreds of groups over the years, meeting amazing people and seeing sights all over the world.

I started Rhapsody Events as an avenue to continue these passions in a new way, not only focusing on faraway destinations – but adventures we can create here at home. I can’t express the joy I feel in learning what makes people feel happy, excited, and engaged, then creating events around these experiences. I often ask myself “Is this a real job?”

I have pulled together a talented staff to make this all happen. We would love for you to join us!

Lauren Pahl

Director of Marketing

Lisa Stealy

Regional Sales Director, Location Coordinator

Miles Townsend

Event Manager

Olivia Mack

Merchandise Manager

Kayla Johnson

Travel Professional

Lisa Waak

Travel Professional

Lucy Hall

Web Design

Sydney Rohrer

Content Coordinator